Bruce Jackson American, born 1936 Bruce Jackson (left) with Walker Evans in Diane Christian's [Walker Evans and Bruce Jackson, Austin, Texas] from the series Inside the Wire, 1974 (printed 2017). Black-and-white inkjet print, 8 1/2 x 11 inches (21.6 x 27.9 cm). Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York; Gift of the artist, 2017 (P2017:6.2.109). © Diane Christian. Works by This Artist Previous slide Next slide Lake and Rail, 2011 (printed 2018) Bruce Jackson Spade Squads, Cummins Prison Farm, Grady, Arkansas, 1974 (printed 2015) Bruce Jackson La maison centrale de Poissy, France from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [George Beto, Huntsville, Texas] from the series Inside the Wire, 1971 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Danny Lyon, Texas Prison Rodeo, Huntsville, Texas] from the series Inside the Wire, 1968 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1971 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1966 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Walker Evans] from the series Inside the Wire, 1974 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Texas Prison Rodeo, Huntsville, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1966 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson [Diane Christian, Alcatraz, San Francisco, California] from the series Inside the Wire, 1992 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Inside the Wire, 1964-1979 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) printed by Bruce Jackson, unknown American Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1973 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1973 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1966 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) printed by Bruce Jackson, unknown American Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1966 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1973 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1973 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) printed by Bruce Jackson, unknown American Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1965 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1974 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1966 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1974 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1973 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Prison Rodeo, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Prison Rodeo, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Prison Rodeo, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1971 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Prison Rodeo, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Prison Rodeo, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Prison Rodeo, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1972 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1966 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1973 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, ca. 1973 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1973 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1974 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1974 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Central Prison, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Ramsey Two Camp, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1964 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Central Prison, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Central Prison, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Death Row, Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1979 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1974 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Death Row, Huntsville Unit, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, not dated (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Death Row, Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1979 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Death Row, Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1979 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Death Row, Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1979 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson [Arkansas prisoner identification photograph] from the series Inside the Wire, early 20th century (printed 2017) unknown American printed by Bruce Jackson Huntsville Unit, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1964 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Death Row, Huntsville Unit, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1979 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1978 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1971 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson American Elevator, bridge to Perot Grain Elevator, with American Elevator moveable marine tower, 2011 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Arkansas from the series Inside the Wire, 1975 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Marine A, 2016 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Marine Tower, American Elevator, 2011 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Marine A, 2016 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cargills Elevator, 2010 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Perot Elevator and Standard Elevator, 2012 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Grady, Arkansas, 1975 (printed 2008) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Grady, Arkansas, 1975 (printed 2008) Bruce Jackson Cummins Prison Farm, Grady, Arkansas, 1975 (printed 2008) Bruce Jackson Related Artworks Previous slide Next slide [Walker Evans and Bruce Jackson, Austin, Texas] from the series Inside the Wire, 1974 (printed 2017) Diane Christian Ellis Prison Farm, Texas from the series Inside the Wire, 1966 (printed 2017) Bruce Jackson Related Content Related Exhibitions {title} slider controls Previous slide Next slide Bruce Jackson: Cummins Wide January 23, 2009–May 10, 2009 Full Color Depression: First Kodachromes from America’s Heartland October 21, 2011–January 22, 2012 Past Related Events {title} slider controls Previous slide Next slide Lectures and Talks Symposium—“Being There: The Work of Bruce Jackson” Friday, November 4, 2011 7 pm EDT Related Links {title} slider controls Previous slide Next slide