At the Buffalo AKG Art Museum, all galleries, entrances, and facilities are wheelchair accessible. 
Accessible parking is available at the loop entrance by the Seymour H. Knox Building. These spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Accessible entrances, with power assist doors, are located on both sides of the Knox Building and on the ground and parking level of the Jeffrey E. Gundlach Building.
If dropping off or picking up a museum visitor, please enter our driveway from Elmwood Avenue and pull up to our Knox Building West entrance.
Wheelchairs and walkers are available for use free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis and can be requested at the Visitor Services Desk or from any staff member. Portable stools are also available for use free of charge in the galleries; please inquire at the Visitors Services Desk for locations. Motorized wheelchairs are permitted.
The museum map provides details of the museum’s buildings, including the locations of all elevators and lifts. For more information about our buildings’ accessibility, please call 716 882 8700.
Accessible/single-user restrooms are located on the entry level of the Seymour H. Knox Building and on the Parking Level Lobby and on Floors 1–3 of the Jeffrey E. Gundlach Building.
Family restrooms are located on the entry level of the Seymour H. Knox Building and on the Parking Level Lobby of the Jeffrey E. Gundlach Building.
Visitors with disabilities may use mobility devices, including manual and electric wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and manually powered mobility aids (such as walkers, canes, and crutches), in all areas open to public pedestrians. All devices must be used in accordance with museum guidelines provided. Electric devices should be operated on the lowest speed setting at a pace similar to walking.
If you are a person with a disability using other power-driven wheeled mobility devices (OPDMDs), it is highly recommended that you make advance reservations to ensure that your visit is as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Please contact our Visitor Experience team at at least two weeks in advance of your visit. Staff can recommend visitation on days with fewer visitors. We also recommend having a blue ADA placard affixed to the front of the transportation device. OPDMDs such as bicycles, skateboards, scooters, in-line/roller skates, heelys, segways, or hoverboards are not permitted in the museum.
Mobility-Friendly Travel Guide