109 obras de Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Thursday, October 23, 1969–Sunday, November 30, 1969

Installation view of 109 obras de Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Image courtesy of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Digital Assets Collection and Archives, Buffalo, New York.
109 obras de Albright-Knox Art Gallery featured a selection of paintings widely ranging in date, including works by Impressionists and post-Impressionsts such as Berthe Morisot, Paul Gauguin, and Vincent van Gogh, as well as those by contemporary artists such as Ilya Bolotowsky and Tadasuke Kuwayama.
While the museum had previously organized loan exhibitions on a similar scale for domestic venues, the preparations for an exhibition in South America, 5,500 miles away, were considerably more complex. A relatively small amount of contemporary art from the countries represented in the exhibition has been shown previously in Buenos Aires, and 109 obras de Albright-Knox Art Gallery attracted 138,000 visitors to the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in forty days.
A fully illustrated, 134-page, Spanish-language catalogue accompanied the exhibition, and it was publicized on billboards, posters, TV, and radio, and through screenings of the film, Gallery —A View of Time, at local motion picture theaters.
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