Impressionism to Surrealism: European Paintings from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Saturday, January 31, 1998–Sunday, March 15, 1998

Installation view of Impressionism to Surrealism: European Paintings from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Image courtesy of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Digital Assets Collection and Archives, Buffalo, New York.
This exhibition of more than sixty paintings dating from the late nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century—including Paul Cézanne's Le basin du Jas de Bouffan (The Pool at Jas de Bouffan), ca.1878–79; Vincent van Gogh's La maison de La Crau (The Old Mill), 1888; Paul Gauguin's Le Christ jaune (The Yellow Christ), 1889; Henri Matisse's La Musique, 1939; and Salvador Dalí's The Transparent Simulacrum of the Feigned Image, 1938—traveled to four museums in Japan: the Isetan Museum of Art in Tokyo, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art in Nagoya, Hiroshima Museum of Art, and the Museum of Modern Art, Ibaraki. Before traveling, the exhibition was installed at the Albright-Knox in early 1998.