The Big Picture: Recent Acquisitions in Photography
Saturday, March 15, 1997–Sunday, May 11, 1997

Installation view of The Big Picture: Recent Acquisitions in Photography. Image courtesy of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Digital Assets Collection and Archives, Buffalo, New York.
1905 Building
The Big Picture: Recent Acquisitions in Photography drew from the Albright-Knox's then newly expanded photography collection. Over the 2 years prior to the exhibition, the museum had concentrated on acquiring important works in large-scale and serial photography for its collection. Notable artists featured in the exhibition included Bernd and Hilla Becher (German, 1931–2007 and 1934–2015), their former students Thomas Demand (German, born 1964), Andreas Gursky (German, born 1955), Axel Hütte (German, born 1951), Thomas Ruff (German, born 1958), and Thomas Struth (German, born 1954) as well as other significant contributors to the field like James Casebere (American, born 1953), Angela Grauerholz (German, born 1952), John Pfahl (American, born 1939), and Hiroshi Sugimoto (Japanese, born 1948).
This exhibition was organized by Curator Marc Mayer.
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