Abstract Expressionism: The First and Second Generations in the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Collection
Wednesday, January 19, 1972–Sunday, February 20, 1972

Jackson Pollock (American, 1912–1956). Convergence, 1952. Oil on canvas, 95 1/4 x 157 1/8 inches (241.9 x 399.1 cm). Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York; Gift of Seymour H. Knox, Jr., 1956 (K1956:7). © The Pollock-Krasner Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
Abstract Expressionism: The First and Second Generations in the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Collection was part of a series of special collection-based exhibitions organized in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the opening of the 1962 Building. It featured fifty-six seminal masterworks of the Abstract Expressionist movement.