Do Ho Suh
South Korean, born 1962

Hub-2, Breakfast Corner, 260-7, Sungbook-Dong, Sungboo-Ku, Seoul, Korea, 2018
Artwork Details
polyester fabric and stainless steel
3/3 plus 1 artist's proof
overall: 106 11/16 x 128 5/16 x 140 1/2 inches (270.99 x 325.91 x 356.79 cm)
Collection Buffalo AKG Art Museum
George B. and Jenny R. Mathews Fund, by exchange and Bequest of Arthur B. Michael, by exchange, 2019
Accession ID
Hub-2, Breakfast Corner, 260-7, Sungbook-Dong, Sungboo-Ku, Seoul, Korea is a meticulous recreation in gauzy polyester of a breakfast nook in a Seoul apartment where Do Ho Suh once lived. Since the beginning of his career in the 1990s, Suh has lived an itinerant existence, continuously traveling across continents and establishing only ever temporary home bases in Korea, Rhode Island, Berlin, London, and New York. This work is part of a much larger series of installations that in part trace these journeys by recreating spaces from the artist’s various “homes.” For Suh, the project offers precisely the means to address what the idea of “home” entails in an increasingly globalized world accompanied by constant and even destabilizing shifts in our senses of self, place, and belonging.