Virtual Drink and Draw Inspired by Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration
Thursday, March 25, 2021
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm EDT

Installation view of Carolina Aranibar-Fernández's Desplazamiento y Subsuelo (Displacement and Subsoil), 2020, in Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration at Albright-Knox Northland. Photo: Brenda Bieger and Amanda Smith for Buffalo AKG Art Museum
$5 / $3 for members*
Virtual Event
Join educators for a guided drawing experience inspired by the work of Carolina Aranibar-Fernández in the special exhibition Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration, on view at Albright-Knox Northland. Participants will learn some introductory drawing skills that center around calming drawing techniques while exploring different concepts important to the artist.
Bring a pencil, pen, marker, crayon, or whatever you like to draw with; some paper; and your favorite beverage!
Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Please register online. Registered participants will receive a link to join this virtual event the morning of the program.
*All proceeds from this event directly support programs like these. If you are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19, please use discount code SCHOLARSHIP to waive your registration fee.
View All Upcoming Virtual Drink and Draw Dates
$5 / $3 para socios*
Evento Virtual
Únete con educadores para una experiencia de dibujo guiado. Inspirándose en la exposición especial Comunidades Visibles: La Materialidad de la Migración, ahora en exhibición en Albright-Knox Northland, los participantes aprenderán algunas habilidades de dibujo introductorios que se centra en técnicas de dibujo calmantes mientras exploran diferentes conceptos importantes para los artistas.
Trae un lápiz, un bolígrafo, un marcador, un crayón, o lo que sea que quieras usar para dibujar; un poco de papel; y tu bebida favorita!
El espacio es limitado y se requiere preinscripción. Por favor regístrese en línea. Los participantes registrados recibirán un enlace para unirse a este evento virtual la mañana del programa.
*Todos los ingresos de este evento apoyan directamente programas como estos. Si usted está teniendo dificultades financieras debido a COVID-19, por favor utilice el código de descuento SCHOLARSHIP para anular su cuota de registro.
Additional support provided by the Creative Arts Initiative of the University at Buffalo, Nicole & Steve Swift, Dr. Richard J. & Maureen W. Saab, and an anonymous donor.
Buffalo Public Schools Sciences and Arts Programming for Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration is made possible through the generosity of The MAK Fund.
The Albright-Knox’s exhibition program is generously supported by The Seymour H. Knox Foundation, Inc.