Virtual Art Alive 2020 Award Ceremony
Friday, May 8, 2020
12 pm EDT

A re-creation of Thomas Le Clear's Buffalo Newsboy, 1853 (Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery)
Virtual Event
Join us this year for Art Alive—online! Every year, the Albright-Knox invites everyone—students, community groups, organizations, households, and individuals—to create live re-creations of works of art for great prizes. While this annual contest normally takes place outside, this year, as we practice social distancing, we brought it online. Participants build their stunning replicas—often called tableaux—using people, props, and their creativity.
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View Winning Entries on Facebook
People's Choice Awards
- Individuals: Maria Krasinski’s re-creation of George Segal’s Cinema, 1963 (Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery)
- Groups/Households: Ryder Hettrick’s re-creation of Marisol’s Baby Girl, 1963 (Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery)
- Pets: Alyssa Iacovitti’s re-creation of Leonardo da Vinci’s Lady with an Ermine, ca. 1489–90 (Collection Czartoryski Museum)
- Kids: Tami Treutlein’s re-creation of Vincent van Gogh's Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat, 1887 (Collection The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
- Schools: Nichols School’s re-creation of Vassily Kandinsky’s Fragment 2 for Composition VII, 1913 (Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery)
Judges' Awards
- Best Tableau from the Albright-Knox’s Collection/AK Public Art: Michelle Widdel's re-creation of Mark Freeland’s Bucket hat figure & ice cream, ca. 2002–06 (Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery)
- Best Craftsmanship: Brayan Munoz Rendon’s re-creation of Frida Kahlo’s Thinking About Death, 1943 (Dolores Olmedo Collection, Mexico City)
- Best Use of Photoshop: Lauren Seth’s re-creation of Pablo Picasso’s Seated woman (Dora Maar), 1955 (Private collection)
- Most Creative Entry Using Household Items: Danielle Henbest Levy’s re-creation of Frank Dicksee’s The Mirror, 1896 (Private collection)
- Best Use of Social Distancing: Jeff Babbitt’s re-creation of Sandro Botticelli’s Spring, ca. 1480 (Collection Uffizi Gallery)
- Best Tableau from the Albright-Knox’s Collection/AK Public Art: Tina Burgett’s re-creation of Nam June Paik’s Piano Piece, 1993 (Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery)
- Best Craftsmanship: Tom Hyde’s re-creation of Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez‘s Las Meninas, 1656 (Collection Prado Museum, Madrid) [Tom Hyde is a member of the Albright-Knox Board of Directors and has generously decided to donate his winnings to FeedMore WNY]
- Best Use of Photoshop: Cameron Ehlenfield’s re-creation of Mary Cassatt’s The Child’s Bath, 1893 (Collection of The Art Institute of Chicago)
- Most Creative Entry Using Household Items: Elle Sebastiano’s re-creation of Gustav Klimt‘s The Kiss, 1908–09 (Collection Belvedere, Vienna)
- Best Use of Social Distancing: Michele Stover’s re-creation of Franz Marc’s The White Cat, 1912 (Collection Kunstmuseum Moritzburg, Halle, Germany)
- Best Tableau from the Albright-Knox’s Collection/AK Public Art: Widdel Bloodline’s (four figures from four households) re-creation of Harrington Mann’s Portrait of Three Knox Children, 1909 (Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery)
- Best Craftsmanship: Sherry Burns’s re-creation of Jan van Eyck’s Saint Jerome in His Study, ca. 1435 (Collection Detroit Institute of Arts)
- Best Use of Photoshop: Carleigh Wiles’s re-creation of George Romney's Lady Hamilton as 'Nature,' 1782 (The Frick Collection)
- Most Creative Entry Using Household Items: Anna Zittel’s re-creation of Leonardo da Vinci’s Lady with an Ermine, ca. 1489–90 (Collection Czartoryski Museum)
- Best Use of Social Distancing: Sophie Barner’s re-creation of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam, 1508–12 (Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, Rome)
- Best Tableau from the Albright-Knox’s Collection/AK Public Art: Grace Rauch’s re-creation of Eugène Zak’s The Young Drinker, not dated (Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery)
- Best Craftsmanship: Claire and Grace Wrotniak’s re-creation of Frida Kahlo’s The Two Fridas, 1939 (Collection Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City)
- Best Use of Photoshop: Julie Jean Hoenig’s re-creation of Banksy’s Girl with Balloon, 2002 (Waterloo Bridge, London)
- Most Creative Entry Using Household Items: Charlie Ledebur’s re-creation of Helen Frankenthaler’s Mountains and Sea, 1952 (Collection Helen Frankenthaler Foundation)
- Best Use of Social Distancing: Piper Francis’ re-creation of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, ca. 1490s (Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan)
- Best Tableau from Schools: Blasdell Elementary School teachers’ re-creations of various artworks
- Best Tableau from FRAME (French American Museum Exchange): Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux’s re-creation of Saint Sébastien soigné par Irène, early 17th century (Collection Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux)
Special Thanks to Our Judges
Anthony Amigone, Jr., Amigone Funeral Home, Inc.
Councilman Joel Feroleto, Buffalo Common Council Member
Ashley Rowe Greene, Channel 7 News
Sophie Lévy, Musée d'arts de Nantes and FRAME
Little Herd Adventures (@littleherdadventures)
Michele Mehaffy, Wegmans
Cliff Parks, Jr. (@bflodude)
Misha and Jeff Russo, Albright-Knox Convergence Council Member / Channel 7 News
Janne Sirén, Peggy Pierce Elfvin Director, Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Gellenia Smallwood, Say Yes to Education
Nicole Swift, Albright-Knox Board Member
Amy Usiak, Evergreen Health
Anthony Amigone, Jr., Amigone Funeral Home, Inc.
Councilman Joel Feroleto, Buffalo Common Council Member
Ashley Rowe Greene, Channel 7 News
Sophie Lévy, Musée d'arts de Nantes and FRAME
Little Herd Adventures (@littleherdadventures)
Michele Mehaffy, Wegmans
Cliff Parks, Jr. (@bflodude)
Misha and Jeff Russo, Albright-Knox Convergence Council Member / Channel 7 News
Janne Sirén, Peggy Pierce Elfvin Director, Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Gellenia Smallwood, Say Yes to Education
Nicole Swift, Albright-Knox Board Member
Amy Usiak, Evergreen Health