Sunday Insights: Activist and Educator Win Min Thant on Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration
Sunday, May 16, 2021
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT

Installation view of Carolina Aranibar-Fernández's Desplazamiento y Subsuelo (Displacement and Subsoil), 2020, in Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration at Albright-Knox Northland. Photo: Brenda Bieger and Amanda Smith for Buffalo AKG Art Museum
Virtual Event
Join activist and educator Win Min Thant for a conversation about Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration and her work with the Burmese community in Western New York.
Please register online. Registered participants will receive a link to join this virtual event the morning of the program.

About the Speaker
Win Min Thant was born and raised in Burma, and came to the U.S. in 2007. She found new roots in Buffalo through her grassroots work with various local organizations and public schools. A true believer of equity and democracy, Thant strives to empower marginalized and disadvantaged youth through education. Thant coordinates education programs at CAC (the Buffalo State College Community Academic Center). She graduated from the University at Buffalo with a degree in Environmental Studies and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Multicultural Education. She serves on the Community Advisory Panel of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the Advisory Board of the Anne Frank Project, and the Board of Directors of Journey’s End Refugee Services, Inc. In her free time, Thant seeks spirituality through nature and mindfulness practice.
Evento Virtual
Acompaña a la activista y educadora Win Min Thant en una conversación sobre Comunidades Visibles: La Materialidad de Migración y su trabajo con la comunidad birmana en Western New York.
Por favor regístrese en línea. Los participantes registrados recibirán un enlace para unirse a este evento virtual la mañana del programa.
Sobre la oradora
Win Min Thant nació y se crió en Birmania y llegó a los Estados Unidos en 2007. Encontró nuevas raíces en Buffalo a través de su trabajo con varias organizaciones locales y escuelas públicas. Thant, una verdadera creyente de la equidad y la democracia, se esfuerza por empoderar a los jóvenes marginados y desfavorecidos a través de la educación. Thant coordina los programas educativos en CAC (el Centro Académico Comunitario de Buffalo State College). Se graduó de la Universidad de Buffalo con una licenciatura en Estudios Ambientales y actualmente está persiguiendo una Maestría en Educación Multicultural. Forma parte del Panel Asesor Comunitario del Albright-Knox, la Junta Asesora del Proyecto Anne Frank y la Junta Directiva de Journey's End Refugee Services, Inc. En su tiempo libre, Thant busca la espiritualidad a través de la naturaleza y la práctica de la atención plena.
Additional support provided by the Creative Arts Initiative of the University at Buffalo, Nicole & Steve Swift, Dr. Richard J. & Maureen W. Saab, and an anonymous donor.
Buffalo Public Schools Sciences and Arts Programming for Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration is made possible through the generosity of The MAK Fund.
The Albright-Knox’s exhibition program is generously supported by The Seymour H. Knox Foundation, Inc.