Picasso Storytime and Workshop: Picasso and Minou (Ages 3–6)
Saturday, November 12, 2016
10:30 am - 12 pm EST

$10 per child / $8 per Member child // $18 per adult / FREE for Member adults
(supplies and museum admission included)
Exhibition Galleries and Education Classrooms
Join Godin-Spaulding Curator & Curator for the Collection Holly E. Hughes for storytime in the museum inspired by the exhibition Picasso: The Artist and His Models. Children and their caregivers will hear the story Picasso and Minou, by P. I. Maltbie, and create a hands-on art activity based on the book and artwork on view.
Each workshop is limited to 15 child participants. Registration and pre-payment are required. Please register online, call 716.270.8292, or sign up at the Albright-Knox Admissions Desk. A parent or guardian must be present during the event; please purchase or reserve the appropriate quantity of adult tickets. (While Members receive free admission to Picasso: The Artist and His Models, we ask that you please still reserve a free ticket for this program.)