Adult Studio Art Workshop—For the Love of Things: Still Life
Saturday, April 16, 2016
1 pm - 3 pm EDT

Workshop participants make still life drawings inspired by the exhibition For the Love of Things: Still Life on April 5, 2016. Photograph by Tom Loonan.
$25 general admission
$20 for Members
Exhibition Galleries and Education Classrooms
Instructor: Kelly Macagnone, School Program Coordinator
Explore the theme of still life through the special exhibition For the Love of Things: Still Life. Participants will tour the exhibition and then create their own observational still life paintings. Please note: The workshop cost includes museum admission for the day of the program.
The workshop is limited to 20 students. Registration and pre-payment are required. To register, please call 716.270.8292. The deadline for registration is Friday, April 1, 2016. The Albright-Knox Art Gallery reserves the right to cancel classes due to low registration numbers.