Adult Art Class: Drawing Defining Sculpture
Saturday, October 8, 2016
1 pm - 4 pm EDT

Guyton/Walker [Wade Guyton (American, born 1972), and Kelley Walker (American, born 1969)]. Untitled, 2009. Inkjet and silkscreen on canvas, inkjet print on drywall, paint cans with inkjet prints, and wooden crate, 98 1/2 x 124 x 112 inches (250.2 x 315 x 284.5 cm). Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery; George B. and Jenny R. Mathews Fund, by exchange and Charles W. Goodyear Fund, by exchange, 2011. © 2009 Guyton/Walker.
$25 / $15 for Members (supplies and museum admission included)
Exhibition Galleries and Education Classrooms
Experience the exhibition Defining Sculpture through drawing! Enjoy a guided tour, then spend time sketching in the galleries with an instructor, examining different sculptures and viewpoints. Finally, return to the classrooms and complete a finished piece using the drawing material of your choice: graphite, charcoal, or ink.
Classes are limited to 20 adult participants. Registration and pre-payment are required. Please register online, call 716.270.8292, or sign up at the Albright-Knox Admissions Desk.