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Hi-Vis: Ten Years of Public Art at the Buffalo AKG Art Museum

Publication Details

The Public Art Initiative launched in 2013 as the Buffalo AKG became the first and only museum in North America to act as a producer of art for shared civic (non-museum) public spaces. The results over the past 10 years have been wide-ranging, including 60 installations, interventions, collaborations, and commissions with more than 80 artists. These dynamic installations are now among the most recognizable elements of the landscape of the Western New York region.

In this expansive and lavishly illustrated book, curator of Public Art Aaron Ott and long-time project coordinators Zack Boehler and Eric Jones offer their insights on critical moments in the initiative’s development, crucial interactions with community collaborators, and the various means by which the initiative supports artists to realize their works. An introduction by Peggy Pierce Elfvin Director Janne Sirén provides additional context about the genesis of the initiative relating to his experiences stewarding a public art program in Helsinki, Finland.

As the Buffalo AKG Art Museum continues to be a leader in the production of a wide range of public works, this book reflects on the most significant works during its first 10 years. Each project is profiled, making use of the museum’s incredible archive of photographic documentation. In addition, a dozen participating artists offer their own reflections, personal insights, and memories about their work with the Buffalo AKG. 


Artist statements by:
Bottoms, Julia; Browder, Amanda; Fayle, Hillary Waters; Futura 2000; Hayuk, Maya; Kifner, Monet Alyssa; Li-Hill, Aaron; Reiss, Bunnie; Riordan, Casey; Shelton, Rachel; Soudant, Shasti O’Leary; and Wajed, Edreys.