A New Installation by Robert Therrien
Friday, February 24, 2006–Sunday, July 30, 2006

Robert Therrien (American, 1947–2019). Table and Six Chairs, 2003. Painted aluminum, foam, wood, steel, and plastic, 117 x 312 x 216 inches (297.2 x 792.5 x 548.6 cm). Collection Glenn Fuhrman.
1905 Building
Los Angeles-based artist Robert Therrien has been making sculpture for more than three decades, transforming ordinary objects and forms into extraordinary works of art. More than simply an enlarged replica, this work of art combines the abstract sculptural forms of the furniture with the novelty and magic of experiencing these everyday objects from a new perspective.
This work was inspired by a series of black-and-white Polaroid photographs the artist made of the underside of his kitchen table, which captured the mix of vertical and horizontal lines formed by the various surfaces, legs, and rungs of the furniture. Therrien enlarged the original object to reproduce the dramatic perspectives captured in the photos, creating a new and unexpected way of seeing these familiar forms.