Ingrid Calame: Step on a Crack . . .
Friday, September 25, 2009–Sunday, February 28, 2010

Installation view of Ingrid Calame: Step on a Crack . . . . Photograph by Tom Loonan.
1905 Building
Ingrid Calame (American, born 1965) is best known for her artworks based on tracings of stains and marks found on city streets and sidewalks that she transposes onto museum walls. In June 2008, Calame became the inaugural artist in the Albright-Knox’s Artist-in-Residence program. Battling wind, rain, sun, and the heat generated by steel production, the artist and her team—which was composed of local artists and students—made hundreds of square feet of drawings, which Calame then transformed in her Los Angeles studio into the drawings and paintings that made up this exhibition. The drawings, traced at numerous sites in and around Buffalo, have, in the words of the artist “stopped short of being symbols—they are captured images that combine history, physical fact, decay, memory, and personal experience.”