Lecture with Judy Walsh–Celebrate the Quincentennial of Albrecht Dürer's Melencolia I
Friday, May 2, 2014
6 pm EDT

$5 general admission
FREE for Members
Join us for a quincentennial celebration of artist Albrecht Dürer's iconic print, Melencholia I. Judy Walsh, professor of Art Conservation at Buffalo State College, will give a lecture on Melencholia I’s significance to the Renaissance period, while also highlighting the continuing mystery of the print’s meaning.
Judy Walsh holds a BA from Trinity College in Washington D.C., and an MA and C.A.S from the Art Conservation program formerly at Cooperstown. She has worked in the paper conservation labs at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the National Gallery of Art, and the Worcester Art Museum, and has been a private conservator in Maine. After 35 years of practice, Judy became a professor. She has been in the Art Conservation Department at Buffalo State since 2005.
When she first moved to Buffalo, Judy was a volunteer in the Albright-Knox’s F. Paul Norton and Frederic P. Norton Family Prints and Drawings Study Center. It was through this experience that she first learned of the AK’s Dürer prints.
This lecture is offered in conjunction with the exhibition Albrecht Dϋrer: Highlights from the Collection, on view at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery from May 2 through July 6, 2014.