Before and After Again Community Conversation
Friday, March 8, 2024
7 pm - 8 pm EST

Detail of Julia Bottoms (American, born 1988). Someone to Teach Traditions, 2023. Oil on canvas, 65 1/2 x 48 inches (166.4 x 121.9 cm). Photo: Amanda Smith for the Buffalo AKG Art Museum.
Lipsey Auditorium, Knox Building
In acknowledgment of the opening of Before and After Again, the Buffalo AKG Art Museum will host a community conversation led by Director of Community Engagement Keiah Shauku joined by Mark Talley, Ebony White, and Garnell Whitfield, each of whom lost family on May 14, 2022. They will share their stories of grief, love, and continued activism in our community since that tragic day.
Also, Curator Aaron Ott will be joined by painter Julia Bottoms, Buffalo Poet Laureate Jillian Hanesworth, and author Tiffany Gaines, all commissioned artists asked to respond to the tragedy of 5/14 which has resulted in the material exhibited in Before and After Again.
The event will take place the same day the exhibition opens to the public.