After Hours—Vault Visible: The Albright-Knox Collection
Thursday, January 21, 2021
6 pm - 7 pm EST
Installation view of Selections from the Seymour H. Knox Collection of Contemporary Arts and Recent Gifts. Image courtesy of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Digital Assets Collection and Archives, Buffalo, New York.
$15 / $10 for Individual, Family, and Life Members
FREE for Corporate Members and Albright-Knox Members at the Professional level and above
Virtual Event
The Albright-Knox is the sixth-oldest art museum in the United States, and many individuals have contributed to the formation of its collection. Join Godin-Spaulding Senior Curator for the Collection Holly E. Hughes and Archivist Gabrielle Carlo for a conversation that delves deep into the museum’s history to offer a behind-the-scenes look at what makes the Albright-Knox a notable collecting entity.
RSVP/buy tickets online or contact 716.270.8247 or by Wednesday, January 20, 2021.
If you are a member, please register for or sign in to your Albright-Knox website account in order to receive your members' discount. Your discount will appear in your cart.
If you are the employee of a Corporate Supporter of the Albright-Knox, please contact the Membership office at 716.270.8247 or