Virtual Vets AK
Friday, December 18, 2020
10 am - 11:30 am EST

Installation view of Swoon: Seven Contemplations at Albright-Knox Northland. Photograph by Brenda Bieger and Amanda Smith.
Virtual Event
Vets AK offers veterans, and their spouses, caregivers, or friends opportunities to learn and engage about works in the museum’s collection through informal group conversations and artmaking experiences. Join Access & Community Programs Coordinator Karen Duval for a new virtual program hosted by Veterans One-Stop Center of WNY, Inc.
In this session, participants will learn about the artist Swoon and her special exhibition Swoon: Seven Contemplations.
Please register in advance with Alyssa Vasquez, PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Program Manager, at After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting, and an artmaking activity plan with a list of materials needed for the project.
For more information, please contact Access & Community Programs Coordinator Karen Duval at 716.270.8249 or